Recently I had a chance to sit down with Christina Wertz to talk a little bit about her background and how she’s found success since joining Palette Collective. Christina became a tenant last summer and was just starting her business here in Arizona. Starting your business from scratch in a studio space can be a unique challenge so I wanted to find out some of the things Christina had to do in order to overcome those challenges.
Christina came to Palette from Philadelphia where she had a tough start to her salon career. Talking about her beginnings Christina mentioned having to juggle four jobs just to keep her head above water. She said it was brutal trying to balance it all and still attempt to grow her clientele so she could start her stylist career full-time. What finally helped things change was the salon owner she worked for Jim, taking her under his wing and teaching her a very important lesson about the law of attraction.
Simply put, the law of attraction deals with the idea that “like attracts like” or that by putting out positive thoughts towards the things you want in life you are more likely to attain them.
Christina shared a couple of examples about how this principle really manifested itself in her life including a recent story about an injury and a goal she met. About a week ago Christina dislocated her finger and had to cancel all of her appointments due to the injury.
Immediately she became concerned because she knew her rent for the month was due soon and she would need to make $700 that week despite having to cancel appointments. Holding true to her belief in the law of attraction, she wrote “I will make $700 by April 1st 2019” in her phone and in her notebook. She had know idea how she was going to make $700, but sure enough….she made $900 in a week! While Christina definitely attributes some of this success to her actions in sending out positive thoughts, she knows there’s more to it than a simple thought. She said, “It’s not a passive thing. You have to go out and work, but putting it out there with positive thoughts will help you make big things happen.”
She said that when she first put this to practice in Philadelphia, her whole life changed within a year and she was able to become a stylist full-time. The Law of Attraction also played a huge role her move to Scottsdale and eventually joining the Palette family. She met a few obstacles when she first got here, but never gave up on the dream that she was meant to be here and that things would work out. And they did.
I really like this notion of what you put out into the world is what you get back. It’s so easy in the world today to let negativity dominate your thoughts. Before you even realize it, you’re failing before you’ve even given yourself a chance to succeed. I think if we could all implement a little more of what Christina tries to live by, we’d all see the amazing results she does.
In addition to learning about the Law of Attraction, Christina and talked a little bit about her favorite ways to bring in new clients and boost her business. My favorites of what she mentioned are:
Intentional Upselling
Upselling clients is not new for most of us, but I really loved the way Christina approached it. Rather than make an off-the-cuff suggestion to her clients mid-appointment, Christina takes the time the night before or at the beginning of her work day to come up with her upsell ideas. Then she takes it a step further by putting a number to it. Say she has $350 worth of work on the books for that day. After she’s reviewed her potential up-sells, she rights the new number of what she could be making. This idea of putting the number tangibly in front of you is a game changer. This would be a huge motivator for any of us to not only help our clients with services we’ve thoughtfully chosen for them, but to also take our goals to the next level in a realistic and attainable way.
Thumbtack App
Christina’s secret weapon to bringing in new clients totally surprised me: Thumbtack. I’d definitely heard of this app, but always associated it with construction work. But Christina thought outside the box and found out it has niche listings for beauty that have had a real impact on her business. She says that she’s not only gotten several of her clients through this hidden gem, but that they’ve consistently been great clients who are willing to invest in their haircare and come back for another appointment. Her biggest tip if you’re new to the app, be sure to build up your reviews! Christina makes sure to text her clients after their appointment to have them leave her reviews on the top search engine sites. This clever maneuver has really helped her grow and develop her thriving business.
More than just this app, the idea that stood out to me the most was the creativity of it. It can be challenging to think outside the box and do things outside the norm. In stead of just using the typical Yelp or Groupon which may or may not work for your business. It takes time and effort to explore this crazy and ever changing world of marketing with all the new apps and platforms that are out there. But if you are willing to put in the work you never know what you might find that will help kickstart your business in new ways!
Be sure to check back here for more interesting interviews with the faces of Palette Collective. And a big thank you to Christina Wertz for sharing her story and some her best advice with us! You can find her at @thehairapist_at_haven on Instagram to learn more about here and the services she offers.